07 September 2009

Senjoyo spring (Salatiga's water source)

Credit: SalatigaKita

"The Senjoyo water source actually lies just beyond Salatiga’s border, but it is of prime importance for the town. It is the main source for the municipal water supply.

Since colonial times there also has been a swimming pool at the site of the source. As admission is free, every day the pool is crowded with local youth bathing and washing their hair. In the adjacent basins women do their washing and we saw even a bunch of people washing carpets.

Salatiga enjoys excellent tap water. Indeed it is customary to boil drinking water or drink bottled water. But Theo never experienced any adverse effect from drinking straight form the tap."

Institut Roncalli

Credit: SalatigaKita
circa 1958

google map link

Although I lived 3 minutes from this complex I had very little idea of what this place was all about. My vague memories from childhood were about climbing tall Pine trees to find bird nests, coffee plantation, and pastors walking about. Although it was said that they were not too friendly with visitors and would release big dogs, the "herder" (!) I never had such problems.

Credit: edwardweinberg@gmail.com

It seems that the building once belong to one of the richest man in the world. When he went bankrupt the Catholics bought that castle.

Update 5/8/2010

There is a massive documentation about this building at www.salatiga.nl website. It is written in Dutch and the following are some excerpts from Google Translate.

Full credit to www.salatiga.nl
Some photos are properties of Army Museum in Delft.

Roncalli Institute, Jalan Diponegoro 90

The gateway to the Istana jun Eng

By the Brothers of Maastricht led Roncalli Institute, a retreat and training center, on Jalan Diponegoro, located at the place where once the building Kwee (Mercury) jun Eng (1859-1935) was. Jun Eng (who came Taiwan's) was a successful entrepreneur with an international reputation
. In 1877 he founded Mercury in Semarang NV Hoo Tong Handel Maatschappij.

This building complex was built in the years 1921-1925 to 3 million Dutch guilders. A very large sum in those days. In 1930, however, went jun Eng's trading by the international economic crisis became insolvent and the building because he could not pay his debts, the Java Bank seized.

Istana jun Eng. Photo: Mellema, JR
The unrecognizable palace, monsoon 24, No. 2 (08/15/1979), pp.
17 17

During the Second World War the Japanese army Salatiga entered it changed the building of office and became an internment camp for Dutch. Following the declaration of Indonesia ë, the respectively the headquarters of the army and police.

Istana jun NL
where the alternating A-and B-squad of the 32 Co AAT were situated

Then, between 1946 and 1949 the headquarters the KNIL. It was later bought by the gereja Katolik and in 1949 took the brethren of the FIC * from Maastricht moved into the building. Often it was also used as a boarding school for students in the SMP, while the rear of the building until 1974 by the SMP Pangudi Luhur from Salatiga and Tlogo was used.

* Official: Congregatio Fratrum Immaculatae Conceptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis - Brothers of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (Brothers of Maastricht)

The name of the person's Moral Body Sub Praesidio Beatae Mariae Virginis. The congregation is especially known for its activities in the field of education and training.

Institut Roncalli today:

The institute was named after Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, who later was appointed Pope: Pope John XXIII 1958-1963.

Note: Thanks for Hanny Widjojo for the correction on that last paragraph.

Hanny Widjojo ‎@Gie, ini ada koreksi sedikit pada artikel mengenai Roncalli. The institute was named after Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, who later was appointed Pope: Pope John Paul XXIII 1958-1963. Yang benar adalah Pope John XXIII, karena Pope John Paul baru dua selama ini yakni JP I tahun 1977 dan yang JP II (Carol Woytila) yang belum lama meninggal dan digantikan dengan Pope yang sekarang (Benedictus) Pasti yang bikin article bukan orang catholic.

Update 19/8/2010
The following information is written in Bahasa, taken from the official government website of Salatiga.

Dulu, bangunan ini adalah Istana Djoen Eng milik Kwik Djoen Eng yang dibangun pada tahun 1921-1925. Kompleks ini dibangun dengan luas mencapai 12 Ha. Djoen Eng sangat mencintai keempat puteranya sehingga melambangkan mereka dalam bentuk kubah. Satu kubah besar dan tinggi di tengah adalah Djoen Eng dan empat kubah lainnya melambangkan empat puteranya. Setelah Djoen Eng bangkrut pada 1930, istana ini mengalami riwayat panjang yaitu disita Javaasche Bank, dibeli Kongregasi FIC, menjadi kamp interniran bangsa Belanda, menjadi markas polisi dan tentara Indonesia, sebagai tangsi tentara Belanda, dan dipakai untuk Bruderan, asrama anak SMP, dan SMP Pangudiluhur. Pada 12 Mei 1968, Istitut Roncalli berdiri dan istana Djoen Eng direnovasi secara menyeluruh. Sebutan Djoen Eng pun berganti menjadi Roncalli, nama asli Paus Yohannes Paulus XXIII 1958-1963, yaitu Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli. Hingga sekarang, gedung ini tetap menjadi Institut Roncalli dengan luas gedung tinggal 3,5 Ha dan mengalami tiga kali renovasi, yaitu pada tahun 1968, 1975, dan 1990. Institut ini berdiri di Jalan Diponegoro.

Bagian Humas, Pemkot Salatiga
Oktober 2009

Taman Sari bus station

Credit: SalatigaKita
circa 1949

Salatiga's bus station was moved from Tamansari to Blotongan, and around yr. 2000 was moved again to Tingkir area. Today, Tamansari (and along Jl. Jendral Sudirman) is the heart of Salatiga's economy comprising of a new mall and crowded shops (google map link)

I'm not sure if those are esto or "borsalino" buses.

06 September 2009


Credit: Didot23
"Bis ESTO" was an identity of Salatiga for sometimes. Eerste Salatigasche Transport Ondememing.

02 September 2009

GPIB Protestant Church

Credit: Salatiga.NL

The church is located at Taman Sari area, near Pancasila Monument right at the center of the town.

The church building as it is today. The main building looks to be relatively well preserved, unlike many historical buildings in Indonesia where they are simply run down or demolished, or "renovated" (or "dibangun" in local term), unfortunately often meaning bright wall paint and ceramic tiles.

Indonesians do not appreciate public space and general city aesthetics, as seen here the church is now surrounded within concrete jungle, even for a very small town by Indonesian standard.

31 August 2009



Old communist school?

Credit: nationaalarchief.nl

Salatiga: Lerarenkamer in de school te Salatiga. Gevonden documenten en boeken, evenals de aangebrachte opschriften en emblemen, wezen erop, dat deze school speciaal was ingericht om de Communistische leerstellingen aan de jeugd te onderwijzen.

Teachers in the school room to Salatiga. Found documents and books, as well as the applied markings and signs, pointing out that this school had been specially designed to accommodate the Communist teachings to youth to teach.

Salatiga: Interieur van een klaslokaal in de school van Salatiga. Gevonden documenten, emblemen en opschriften wezen erop dat deze school gebruikt werd als een Communistisch vormingsinstituut voor de jeugd. Op het schoolbord is een aankondiging te lezen dat het "verstrekken van verklaringen in het belang van de partijraad om zeer dringende redenen is uitgesteld tot nader vast te stellen datum

Interior of a classroom in the school of Salatiga. Found documents, emblems and inscriptions indicated that this school was used as a Communist training institute for the youth. On the blackboard is an announcement stated that the "provision of statements in the interest of the party for very urgent reasons, has been postponed until further date to be determined

Jalan Jendral Sudirman

Credit: www.salatiga.nl

04-1964. Straatbeeld Jl. Jend. Sudirman zuid (gezien van tegenover de GKI kerk). Op de oude foto rechts Toko Menara, die er nog is, maar verstopt achter een nieuw gebouw van twee verdiepingen. Links was een halteplaats voor lastpaarden annex marktje. Ook te herkennen - maar heel klein - het winkelgebouw dat je op foto 2 [hieronder] ziet.

03-1977. Straatbeeld Jalan Sudirman noord (gezien vanaf Tamansari, 1977). Links was een benzine-pompstation en terminal bemo. De bomen rechts staan bij de walikota in de tuin. Op straat een campagne-optocht van de PDI. Op de nieuwe foto is eigenlijk alleen de tuin van de walikota herkenbaar, en heel in de verte de helling van de Merbabu.

Hotel Kalitaman

Credit: Wandelen door de OudeArchipel

Source: Facebook

Salatiga during wartime (III)

Platoon Commander
of the 1st Battalion Stoottroepers

"Carriers advancing on Salatiga August 8th, 1947
The tall man in the foreground is Sgt. Bill Kamping."

29 August 2009

Old photos of Satya Wacana Campus

Credit: Tiono

Satya Wacana Library

Before the takeover of "pro-government" leadership which caused much furore, Satya Wacana was a very critical and respected university. Among the notable pro democratic scholars are Arief Budiman, Ariel Heryanto, and George Aditjondro. Arief and Ariel were expelled from the university and George Aditjondro seek refugee to Australia to avoid prosecution from Soeharto government.

28 August 2009

More Salatiga wartime photos

Credit: SepatoeRoesak website.

Omgeving van Kopeng Salatiga. Gevangen genomen opstandelingen van wie er velen mee deden om te plunderen . Meestal wisten zij zelfs niet waar alles voor diende. Resultaat rijgsgevangenschap .
foto Eric Buzeijn

Translation: Kopeng near Salatiga. Captured insurgents many of whom took them to plunder. Usually they even knew where everything was. Result rijgsgevangenschap.

There is a massive collection of wartime photography at at SepatoeRoesak. It seems like the brigade was stationed around Salatiga-Semarang-Weleri.